Under the NHS, you have the right to the following:
- Be Registered with a Medical Practice
- Receive a range of treatments from a General Practitioner
- Have your treatment explained to you
- Have a relative or friend with you, and have access to an interpreter or signer
- Confidentiality
- Have access to emergency medical care
- Refuse to be treated in front of students or be involved in medical trials
- Receive treatment regardless of race, religion, gender, income, disability or medical condition
- Ask for a second opinion, and complain without discrimination
- Have access to your medical records under the Access to Medical Records Act (1990)
You also have responsibilities and can help yourself and our team by doing the following:
- Be on time for appointments – Please note that if you are 10 minutes late for your appointment you may be asked to reschedule this
- Cancel your appointment if you cannot keep it
- Switch off mobile phones whilst on Practice premises
- Follow the medical advice given by the healthcare professional
- Check that you have been given the correct prescription
- Take care with medicines
- Share responsibility for your health
- Tell us or any hospital that you are attending if you move home or change your telephone number
- Use emergency services responsibly
- Treat healthcare staff politely – abuse may result in you being asked to register elsewhere
- Suggest to us how we can improve our care and services