Ormiston Medical Practice Tynemount Road, Ormiston, East Lothian, EH35 5AB

Benefits Campaign

Posted by: erinnisbett - Posted on:

The cost of living is affecting us all. East Lothian Council wants to make sure that everyone in East Lothian is getting the financial support they’re entitled to.

From the 8th September East Lothian Council will run a general information benefits awareness and take-up campaign. We want to raise awareness of the benefits and financial support available, and maximise income wherever possible in East Lothian.

There is lots of information online about what financial support people are entitled to and how to apply at www.eastlothian.gov.uk/boost.

We have also produced a guide to what’s available in our Cost of Living leaflet. This is a great guide to the financial help available for any household struggling with the cost of living increases. There’s no harm in checking.

CAB Haddington have a dedicated advisor helping us with this campaign, who can take people through a benefits check, and direct them to the income or other support that is available.

CAB Haddington can be contacted through benefits@haddingtoncab.org.uk and 01620 824471.

Everyone can check that they’re getting the financial support they’re entitled to. We particularly want to make sure that under-claimed benefits are claimed. These include:
• Pension Credit (part of Universal Credit)
• Council Tax Reduction
• Child benefits (including Best Start Grants, Free School Meals, etc)

We know that more people are entitled to these benefits than are currently claiming them. We want to change this, so if you think you or someone you know might be eligible – don’t delay in getting in touch.

General information
• The Cost of Living leaflet provides a useful overview of financial support available. Further tailored information will be available at www.eastlothian.gov.uk/boost.
• CAB Haddington is supporting this campaign with a dedicated advisor. They can be contacted through benefits@haddingtoncab.org.uk and 01620 824471.
• Social media and articles in the Courier will be used to direct traffic to the website, please share with your own clients/customers.
• Radio ads will be played on Forth 1 and 2, as well as features on community radio stations.
• If you have any questions about the campaign, how you can get involved, or how to access resources, please contact Lucy Higginson lhigginson@eastlothian.gov.uk or 01875 824123.