You must live within the Practice’s boundary area which consists of: Ormiston, Pencaitland, Buxley, New Winton, New Town, Nisbet, Middlemains, East Saltoun, West Saltoun, Old Duncrahill, Dodridge Farm, West Byres, and Cousland Park.
If in doubt, please check with our Reception staff on 01875 610248
- You can now register online by visiting NHS Inform/GP Registrations. Please follow the instructions to complete the Registration form.
- We also ask that you complete a New Patient Questionnaire. This is for patients over the age of 16.
- You need to attend the surgery with proof of ID and proof of address. We must see all people registering so can match them up. We can not register anyone until we see these.
By completing this form, it gives our Doctors and Nurses important information that they can use to provide you with care whilst we are waiting for your medical records to be sent from your previous Practice.
Once this is complete please call reception for the Practice email address.
If you cannot edit the Patient Registration and New patient questionnaire online please find the link below to print it off or alternatively visit the Practice.
Please bring these completed forms to Reception to register with our Practice. All our patients are registered with Ormiston Medical Practice and not with an individual GP. However, patients will have a named GP on their medical record for administration purposes, but they can consult with any Doctor or Practice Nurse at the Practice. All your medical consultations are on the computer for continuity of care, so please do not be overly concerned if your usual clinician is not available for consultation.
Changing Your Personal Details
Please inform our Reception staff if you change your name, address and/or telephone number in order for your records to be amended as soon as possible. This can be done in writing by letter or in person at the surgery by completing the form below. Please note that a change of address may mean that you are outside the Practice boundary area, and that you may need to register with a Medical Practice nearer to your home. Our Reception staff will advise you on this.