Ormiston Medical Practice Tynemount Road, Ormiston, East Lothian, EH35 5AB

Visitors to the Practice

UK Residents

If you are staying within our Practice area for a period of less than 3 months and you require medical attention, we are happy to treat you as a Temporary Resident. If you have moved into the Practice area for a period in excess of three months, you will be advised to register fully with the Practice For further information or to make an appointment, please contact Reception onĀ 01875 610248.

Overseas Visitors

Visitors from out with the United Kingdom, and staying within the Practice area for less than 3 months, may be eligible for free NHS treatment subject to meeting certain criteria. Visitors from another EEC country are eligible for emergency treatment only on production of a valid EHIC card. Visitors from countries out with the EEC or those without a valid EHIC card can be seen as private patients, and will have to pay a fee for the consultation. For further information about this and up-to-date fees, please contact Reception on 01875 610248.